Kitchen Cupboard Uplift

Out of sight, out of mind. 

I have been watching a lot of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix and I remember one of the passages in her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing , "By eliminating excess visual information  that doesn't inspire joy, you can make your space much more peaceful and comfortable."    

One way is to remove the bottle labels but in this case, the fastest way and more aesthetic solution to me would be to apply a frosted glass film sticker to the existing glass panels on the overhead kitchen cupboard.

The thin clear glass on the overhead cabinet door makes all the bottled condiments visible upon entry thus creating visual chaos.   We have left over frosted film that we bought from Wilcon Depot that we can use to create a frosted glass look.

Required Tools:
  1. Roll of Frosted Film
  2. Spray Bottle with Soap and Water Solution
  3. Box Cutter
  4. Measuring Tape
  5. Pencil
  6. Squeegee or a straight edged and sturdy plastic card

How to Apply:
  1. Carefully remove the glass panels from the cabinet frame. Clean them and dry. 
  2. With your measuring tape, measure the size of the glass panel to see how much film you would need. If it's an irregular shape, trace the glass panel and mark the paper back side of the film with a pencil. 
  3. Cut the frosted film to size with a box cutter.
  4. Using a solution of soap and water, spray on the glass side where the frosted film will be applied. 
  5. Peel the paper backing apart and apply the film on the glass starting from the top towards the bottom. Use a squeegee or a credit card for example to remove the air bubbles.
  6. Continue removing air bubbles and trim the edges /excess with a box cutter wherever needed. 
  7. Re-install the glass panel back to the cabinet door frame. 


Which tidying up projects are you currently busy with during this period of shelter -in-place?
Happy weekend and happy nesting to everyone!
Love & light,

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  1. I did that years ago with a cupboard in my bathroom and it always works miracles. I generally prefer frosted glass even on my coffee table :) I've always wanted to find a frosted glass tea mug too.

    1. I have a thing for anything frosted glass as well. I recently used them for bathroom doors. They offer light with privacy at all times.

  2. I think we have the same water kettle :)
