3 Things I Like About Pinas This Week

Monks Coffee Farm Bukidnon

1. Joy in the Most Unexpected Places

While the bus was crammed with grumpy stressed out passengers, a friend witnessed this scene  on his way home while looking out of the bus' window.  The rain has brought puddles and the ramps have transformed into mini waterfalls.  Kids  laid on the pavement  and played snow angels under the rain.

He said," If only I had a camera, I would have captured their joy. They were the happiest kids on earth and the rest of the people in the bus had no idea what they missed."

It is a gentle reminder that the joy we seek outside is inside us all.

2. Generosity as a Surprise

I was about to queue at the cashier with just two articles in my hand inside the supermarket when a foreign resident motioned me to go ahead in front of him. The unexpected kindness was uplifting after a stressful morning. This led to a conversation about how much he loved living in the Philippines. According to him, he finds the weather to be great, such lovely people and that  he enjoys the simplicity of the lifestyle here.  I do admit, it is quite refreshing to hear  positive feedback for a change.

3. Monsoon Season

After a terribly hot summer, it's a welcoming break to have rain in the evenings.  Though it's not great for those who own boats, the rain just painted the vegetation green again and made days more vibrant.

What are three things you liked about where you live this week?
Happy days!
Love & light,

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  1. Such simple but heartwarming stories. I wish I could play in the puddles, I Wasn't able to do that when I was a kid. Now, I'd worry about getting sick if I do that lol.

    Come to think of it, we hear foreigners moving in here and loving the Philippines yes many Filipinos (including me) want to leave and live abroad. In my defense, I want to experience it at least for a year.

    1. The closest to this I have experienced was 24th of June- Feast of St. John the Baptist or Fiesta ni San Juan where we would chase each other with small buckets of water. Nowadays, it's quite tricky to do that with the water shortage and being in a muddy puddle but those kids surely were having a great time. We are on the same boat regarding living in the Philippines. It's definitely an enriching experience to work overseas.
