50 Fun Things to Do During Quarantine

How are you?  What have you been up to?  I am curious as to how you keep yourselves busy indoors? 

Here's a list of  things to do that I have gathered from everyone online.

1. Household chores are high up on the list from laundry, cleaning to cooking, and looking after our family. You must be thinking, "Boring"   Oh well, let's get these tasks out of the way or better yet, why don't we enjoy each chore by playing music that we like and then being thoroughly present while we fold laundry and wash the dishes?

2.  Work from homeChallenges on Virtual Communication during this self shelter season. I like watching Justine Leconte's  How to Get Everything Done.  Her energy is infectious and I'm motivated to work work work after watching this Productivity Youtube Video


3. Gardening, it's never too late to kick start your garden. Sow seeds and you'll be surprised.  Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash

Bake Brioche
4. Baking Bread seems to be on the recent top spot for most popular activity based on Tasty's survey.

5. Home school 

6. Home Audit  prepare a pantry inventory list at home to make the most of your scheduled shopping trip. Photo by heather mckean on Unsplash

7.  Binge-watch Movies and Series on Netflix  What are you currently watching?

8.  Craft and Creative Projects 
Some of my friends have created craft stations for their sewing projects.  Create masks. Create curtains and pillows.  Some started knitting while others turned to miniature art.

9. Update the First Aid Kit  Sort out and re-organize.  Throw away expired medicines  and make a checklist of what's missing and keep this in mind during your next trip to the pharmacy. Check out this  checklist of a well-stocked first aid kit by Red Cross.

10.  Read   or Download an Audio Book
 What are you currently reading?  Mine would be  Ou es Tu Maintenant  by Mary Higgins Clark in french version.

11.  Catch up with Workout and Fitness via  online classes
My husband and I are currently doing the 30 Day Pilates Challenge and 30 Day Yoga Challenge. I got him to do Yoga under the condition that I do pilates and HIIT with him.

12.  Research Positive Articles that would put the mind at ease during these confusing times

13. Play Music and Perform using social media apps There are some who likes to indulge in these such as Tiktok. No judgment. Whatever floats your boat and make you happy.

14.  Video Editing Now is a perfect time to gather all of those rough videos and create home movies to freeze travel moments and important milestones.

15. Learn a New Musical Instrument My friend calls it Youtube University but there are lots of resources online in learning a new musical instrument.  I started learning playing Ukelele.  Music can be quite therapeutic.  I am also giving my daughter beginner's piano lessons daily. Download sheet music and enjoy the rhythm.

16.  Home Improvement and DIY Home Makeovers  a lot of DIY construction work happening in our community at the moment.

17.  Catch up with Family and Friends on Skype, Whatsapp,  Viber, Messenger and Zoom

18.  Play Board Games  Too bad we don't have Monopoly or Scrabble at home but we usually play Le Cochon Qui Rit , a french game of dice and small parts as a family. Photo by Mish Vizesi on Unsplash

19.  Learn a New Language  Hello Busuu, Duolingo and  language apps

20.  Learn a New Skill via Online Classes

21.  Social Media Detox
While some are consumed most of their days reading their news feed and surfing the web, there are others who decided to stay away from everything right now.

22.  Chat with a Friend on the Phone 
This season can be hard on us so offer a listening ear to a friend

23. Volunteer
Creating PPE using 3D Printers or from available materials. Some are sewing facial masks. Some are volunteering to create food packs.

Create a Vision Board

24.  What about Creating Your Vision Board Online for Free ?  If you prefer a more hands on approach, try with actual magazines which images or texts spark and speak to you, then cut and paste away.

25.  Organize pictures in your laptop folders and back them up in a hard drive.   

26.  Create a scrapbook photo album for all of the photographs that piled up in your drawer


27.  Write a Journal  Start writing. Document how you feel or what about writing that novel you have always wanted to write? Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

De-clutter your closet

28.  Re-organize and downsize your wardrobe

Kitchen I have designed (work in progress)
29.  De-clutter and tidy up the kitchen

30.   Re-decorate  and re-paint walls .

Storage racks with Labels

31.  De-clutter and Organize Storage Rooms and Garage

32.  Organize all documents , receipts and paperwork that needs to be sorted and filed

Learn to Cook

33.  Learn to cook new dishes or simply start learning how to cook if you have never stepped foot inside your kitchen before.

34. Set up your sorting bins for recycling in case you haven't yet.

35.  Build a Website  or Learn to Code  or start blogging

Color , Paint and Draw

36. Color, Paint and Draw  Create your sketch books and draw. Or color your mandala coloring books

37. Build a Lego Who's up for this?

38. Play Card Games  & Solitaire

39.  Carpentry and building furniture- for the Handymen and women who likes working with their tools.

40.  For Motorbike and Car Enthusiasts, Learn and watch mechanic videos on car fixing and pimping up your vehicle of choice

41.  Jump into Trends like the Dalgona Coffee Challenge and Sour Dough Bread Baking

42.  Throw a Virtual Dinner Party and Quarantine Reunion with Friends and Family using Zoom  Take it up a notch by learning to create cocktails and having a cocktail hour online.

Write an Email to Your Future Self

43.  Write Yourself an Email to be sent in the future via  futureme.org; perhaps dated a year from now or even six months later, documenting the current times and how you feel with questions to your future self as a reminder.  Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

44. Camp or picnic in your backyard  If you're missing the outdoors, enjoy a barbecue picnic depending on the weather of course

45. Listen to Podcasts and/or Watch TED Talks


46. Meditate  Some might digress to prayer especially during this Holy Week.  Learning how to Meditate to quiet the mind is a skill that brings peace and mindfulness. Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

47.  Perform Acts of Kindness  There are some of us who'd like to take this time to take action and help.  There are different kinds of charities to participate in.

48.  Dress up at Home and Apply Make-up .   If you miss going out and getting dolled up, why not get those heels out, put on a nice dress and apply a bright red lipstick on.  Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

49.  Self -Pampering  and Mani-Pedi at home  Treat yourself to a hair and facial mask after a relaxing bath.

Set the Table

50.   Throw a special dinner at home.  Let's celebrate each day we are alive.  Let's get those special china and wine glasses out of the cabinet.  Set the table beautifully and adorn it with flowers you have picked from your garden. Enjoy a  lovely dinner alone or with family no matter how simple the dish you have prepared is. Let's be grateful for everything today.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Love & light,

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  1. That brioche looks nom!
    You should do a post on how you do your design work. Do you have your team who builds the furniture, fixes the place etc, or do you work with what's available in stores? Who does the physical work of it all? Do you have your team of handymen?

    1. Thank you for your great feedback and suggestion. I will definitely keep this in mind for future posts. It's a case to case basis depending on the location of the project and the need of the client. There are projects where I personally handle everything a-z from ordering materials to managing the workers, but in most cases whenever it is located overseas and in another region, I mostly work on designs while the materials/furniture are locally sourced. We try to do both, buy ready-made furniture and build custom furniture made by local artisans available in wherever region or country the project is based. I have a partner in the Philippines based in another region who manages the project while I do most of the design. Most projects we work with trusted contractors and suppliers.

  2. We're listening to a travel memoir audiobook together right now, which is really soothing and also sort of a virtual vacation

    1. I can imagine, it's like having a friend over narrating their vacation stories. That's really pretty cool.
